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Ekklesia is a New Testament Greek word that means "community." Students chose this name for our campus ministry and programming because they believe it reflects our progressive "faith leaning forward" community.
In 1961, we began with the name United Campus Christian Fellowship (UCCF), a movement that was born out of the ecumenical movement inspiring the world in those days.
We became a part of a national effort in the early 1980's called United Ministries in Higher Education. UMHE remains as our legal identity.
We are an active part of the Missouri State University community. Throughout our history we have promoted the ecumenical ideal that we are better when we work together and that our differences are natural meeting points. As people of faith we welcome diversity of opinion and lifestyle, we seek to work with all people of good-will, we promote interfaith relationships and dialog, and we ask BIG questions.
Our historic denominational partners include the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America, the Presbyterian Church USA, and the United Church of Christ.
In the Fall of 2014 we received a grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc. and its "campus ministry theological exploration of vocation initiative."
We are advocates for students in the midst of her or his pursuit of "higher education." We believe the exploration of the intersection of life, faith, and critical thinking is central to this journey.
Jesus and his message and example of love informs how we live with each other and our place in the world. How are you going to serve the world that God loves?
Join us.

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